Our Support

WORTH Beneficiary Fund

Being a single mom comes with countless challenges, and unexpected accidents or injuries can add even more stress, both emotionally and financially.

In partnership with WORTH Association, this bursary offers up to $3,000 in funding to support single mothers facing hardship due to an accident or injury, helping to ease the burden so they can focus on recovery and their family's well-being.


Apply Online

Click on the "Apply Now" button below...


Application Review

Once received, the Beneficiary Liaison will contact you to talk about your request and prepare a report for the Beneficiary Reviewing Committee.



Approved applicants will be contacted by a BCHF staff member to arrange a presentation of the cheque in person, if possible.

Criteria & Eligibility Guidelines

To qualify for funding from the WORTH Beneficiary Fund, applicants must

  • Reside in British Columbia and be employed within the food, beverage, tourism, or hospitality industry, or in a directly related field.
  • Be facing urgent financial need related to an injury, disability or rehabilitation.

Each award has a financial cap determined by individual cases and fund availability. Payments to eligible beneficiaries are issued via cheque and directed to the beneficiary. Processing and delivery of funds may take up to five days following approval of the application.

Applicants are encouraged to apply if they are unsure about eligibility, as each application undergoes independent assessment based on its own merits.

Please help us review your situation promptly by including in your application:

  • Your current resume (or a detailed description of your current and/or past working experience)
  • Government issued ID
  • Supporting medical documents

Funded recipients' names and stories will be publicly and respectfully shared. This will help us promote and grow the foundation’s visibility and credibility, and ultimately our trust fund.


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