Meet Our Beneficiaries

Meet the beneficiaries of the BC Hospitality Foundation - individuals within the hospitality and tourism industry facing financial hardships due to health-related issues. Through our support, we provide a lifeline to those in need, ensuring they receive the assistance necessary to navigate challenging times with dignity and resilience.


Stephanie | Restaurant, Sea to Sky Corridor

Joannie | Coffee Bar, Okanagan

Dayna | Hotel, Vancouver Island

Aaron | Restaurant, Lower Mainland


Dennis | Hotel, Vancouver

Narciso | Hotel, Vancouver

Melissa | Restaurant, Burnaby

Carolyn | Bakery, Vernon

Joseph | Food supply, Vancouver

Kelley | Hotel, Vancouver

Philip | Restaurant, Oliver

Natalie | Restaurant, Vancouver

Carlos | Hotel, Victoria

Alexandra | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Omar | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Alexandra | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Joy | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Lilian | Hotel, Vancouver Island


Kevin | Hotel, Osoyoos

Miranda | SPA, Victoria

Ugo | Pub, Vancouver

Karlan | Restaurant, Vancouver

Shawn | Restaurant, Vancouver Island

Theresa | Restaurant, Radium Hot Springs

Shalyn | Restaurant, Kelowna

Shannon | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Heather | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

JuSang | Hotel, Vancouver Island

Dom | Bar, Lower Mainland

Ronny | Distillery, Lower Mainland

Michael | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Rosemary | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Mackenzie | Coffee Shop, Vancouver Island

Antoni | Brewery, Aldergrove

Kevin | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Joanne | Restaurant, Williams Lake

Nicole | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Liam | Bartender, Lower Mainland

Kurtis | Bartender, Lower Mainland

Lori | Liquor Store, Vancouver Island


Shalyn | Restaurant, Kelowna

Jan | Restaurant, Vancouver

Ryan | Restaurant, Vancouver

Kristine | Restaurant, Vancouver Island

Vanessa | Pub, Vancouver Island

Mo | Tourism, Vancouver Island

Sean | Bar, Lower Mainland

Jake | Restaurant, Lower Mainland

Poppy | Restaurant, Vancouver Island

Brian | Restaurant, Kelowna

Laura | Restaurant, Whistler

Kaitlyn | Winery, Okanagan Falls

Amber | Agency, Vancouver Island


Seshagiri | Hotel, Vancouver

Norman | Restaurant, Vancouver

Donald | Restaurant, Clearwater

Dawn | Tour Operator, Vancouver

Jon | Bar, Vancouver

Dale | Restaurant, Vancouver

Connor | Brewery, Kelowna

Michelle | Media, Vancouver

Julian | Winery, Summerland

Corinna | Brewery, Langley

Kaitlyn | Winery, Okanagan Falls

Michel | Restaurant, Whistler


Rita | Server, Vancouver

Terry | Cook, Vancouver

Caitlin | Server, Kelowna

Carolyn | Server, Vancouver

Andrea | Hotel, Richmond

James | Tourism, Parksville

Dana | Server, Qualicum Beach

Willem | Server, Victoria

Pascal | Tourism, Vancouver

Deepika | Restaurant, Kelowna

Arya | Restaurant, Kelowna

Sarah | Restaurant, Whistler

Confidential | Vancouver

Rhona | Server, Castlegar

Stephanie | Server, Osoyoos


Diana | Server, Vancouver

Natalie | Server, Vancouver

Mitchel | Server, Vancouver

Selena | Server, Victoria

Cynthia | Server, Revelstoke

Mary Jane | Housekeeper, Vancouver

Sarah | Server, Vancouver

Bobbie | Server, Langford

Toni | Server, Chilliwack

Doug | Server, Vancouver

Megan | Server, Victoria

Michelle | Server, Vancouver

Julie | Server, Whistler

Sandra | Cook, Lilloet

Sheldon | Chef, Terrace

Jacqueline | Server, Vancouver

Renee | Server, Vancouver

Jason | Server, Victoria

Laura | Cook, Langley

Nolan | Server, Victoria

Terry | Chef, Summerland

Dawn | Tourism, Vancouver

Kaitlyn | Bar, Coquitlam

Arturo | Cook, Vancouver

Tibor | Winery, Peachland

Diane | Cook, Kelowna

David | Winery, Okanagan


Sean | Server, Victoria

Cheryl | Owners, Kelowna

Navveer | Server, Surrey

Robert | Server, New Westminster

Karen | Server, Sun Peaks

Serena | Housekeeper, Kelowna

Twyla | Housekeeper, Prince George

Ian | Server, Vancouver

Edgar | Housekeeper, Vancouver

Robert | Server, New Westminster

Travis | Night Auditor, Tofino

Robert | Gulfstream Restaurant, Kelowna

Annie | Head Chef, Sun Peaks

Irmy | 100 Mile House

Minerva | Housekeeper, Vancouver

Axel | Bartender, Vancouver

Julie | Server, Vancouver

Justin | Brewery, Vancouver

Eileen | Hotel, Chilliwack

Leaf | Restaurant, Kelowna

Lyndon | Restaurant, Kelowna

Warren | Hotel, Osoyoos

Andrew | Pub, Coquitlam

Sean | Hotel, Courtney

Jennifer | Hotel, Vancouver

Bonnie | Restaurant, Cranbrook

Tasos | Restaurant, Port McNeill

Aaron | Restaurant, Vancouver

Tiana | Restaurant, Vancouver

Elias | Housekeeper, Vancouver

Kyle | Bartender, Vancouver

Jocelyn | Server, Vancouver

Devon | Hotel, Vancouver


Zach | Server, Vancouver

Sherry | Server, Victoria

Tim | Bellman, Victoria

Waldemar | First Cook, Vancouver

Dominika | Server, Vancouver

Mykhailo | Bartender/Server, Vancouver

Jason |Server, Victoria

Stephane | Server, Vancouver

Ellen | Houskeeper, Victoria

Krystle | Server, Vancouver

Michael | Restaurant Manager, Vancouver

Rossana | Housekeeping Manager, Vancouver

Manuel | Cook, Whistler

William | Janitorial Worker, Victoria

Natali | Housekeeper, Vancouver

Cindy | Food truck owner, Vancouver

Gordon | Husband of server, Cranbrook

Ventura | Housekeeper, Kamloops

Julia | Server, Victoria

Kristina | Cook, Pender Island

Blair | General Manager, Nanaimo

Jeffrey | Bartender, Vancouver

Hailey | server, Victoria

Caryn | Manager, Summerland

Dawn | Bartender, Vancouver

Shelley | Owner, Courtney

Angelo | Head housekeeper, Kelowna

Matthew | Bartender, Osoyoos

Gerry | Front Desk Agent, Victoria

Juan | Server, Vancouver

Hannah | Server, Vancouver

Alan | Server, Vancouver

Bettyanna | Server, Burnaby

Eleane | Server, Vancouver

Adam | Owner, Kelowna

Tim | Server, Yaletown


Matthew | Restaurant Worker, Richmond

Michael | Journalist/Editor, Vancouver

Luke    Cook, Langley

Ralf | Liquor Store Worker, Vancouver

Valerie | Cook, Whistler

Chris | Bartender, Vancouver

Sarah | Restaurant Worker, Whistler

Rachel | Bartender, Vancouver

Richard | Food Service Sales-retired, Kamloops

Michael | Viticulturist, Osoyoos

Josh | Restaurant Server, Vancouver

Steven | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Andrew | Cook, Vancouver

Gord | Dishwasher, Victoria

Genieve | Server, Vancouver

Bonnie    Bartender, White Rock

Aja    Server, Vancouver

Rick | Meat cutter, Vancouver

Billy    Forklift Operator, Kelowna

Melissa | Sr. CSM, Kelowna

Lucy | Assistant Manager, Whistler

Ian | Chef, Vancouver

Megan | Server, White Rock

Aaron | Server, Sooke

John | Prep cook, Vancouver

Frances | Front Desk Agent, Victoria

Amy | Server, Vancouver

Tina | Cook, Coquitlam

Aja | Prep Cook, Kelowna

Serge | Banquets, Vancouver

Dustin | husband, Peachland


Hiro | Convention Centre Worker, Vancouver

Rossana | Hotel Worker, Vancouver

Melanie | Restaurant Worker, Kelowna

Shannon | Server, Vancouver

Anna | Housekeeper, Prince George

Kyle | Bartender, Vancouver

Audrey | Educator, Kimberley

Irvin    Club Bartender, Vancouver

Lyndon | Restaurant worker, Kelowna

Bernice | Hotel Worker-retired, Vancouver

Don | Hotel Worker, Kelowna

Tim | Hotel Worker, Vancouver

Shelley | Hotel Worker, Kamloops

Marcio    Server, Vancouver

Tina | Baker, Mission

Wes | VP Sales, Cobble Hill

Angela | Dishwasher, Campbell River

Natascha    Server, Vancouver

Nouria    Server, Vancouver

Jayne | Bartender, Server, Vancouver


Bernie | Hotel Employee, Vancouver

Paul | Winery Employee, Kelowna

Carol | Hotel Worker, Richmond

Paul | Pub Owner/ Operator, Kelowna

Tina | Chef, Vancouver

Ronald | Hotel Worker, Vancouver

Dane | Bartender, Vancouver

Melanie | Restaurant Cook, Vernon

Tanelle | Pub Worker, Langford

Jack    Hotel Worker, Kelowna

Michael | Hospitality Media, Vancouver

Justin | Restaurant Manager, Victoria

Wendee | Hotel Manager, Osoyoos

Ian | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Becky | Restaurant Worker, Whistler

Serge | Hotel Worker, Vancouver

Josh    Bartender, Vancouver

Darcy    Private Catering, Vancouver

Jessica | Server, Nanaimo

Eric    Server, Vancouver

Rachel | Restaurant Manager, Vancouver

Brooke | Server, Vancouver

Andy | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Steve | Wine Director, Vancouver

Kelly    Server, Vancouver


Vicki | Liquor Store Employee, Nanaimo

Trevor | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Julie | Server, Pender Island

Nolan | Chef, Nanaimo

Lynn | Pub Worker, Nanaimo

Tina | Restaurant Worker, Ucuelet

Oracle | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Amber | Restaurant Worker, Langley

Jean    Restaurant Worker, Maple Ridge

Owen | Chef, Vancouver

Stephen | Pub Worker, Coquitlam

Tyler | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Veronica    Restaurant Worker, Qualicum Beach

Tim | Brewmaster, Victoria

Ian | Chef, Qualicum Beach

Karen | Restaurant & Pub Worker, Victoria

Cole | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver

Terry | Restaurant Worker, Penticton


Kim | Food Supplier Employee, Coquitlam

Janice | Wine Agency Employee, Chilliwack

Ashlyn | Daughter, Hotel Worker, Kelowna

Shelley | Food Service Sales, Chilliwack

Jim | Pub Worker, Whistler

Alicia | Restaurant Worker, Nanaimo

Dave | Pub Worker, North Vancouver

Frank | Hotel Bartender, Vancouver

Sarah | Resort Worker, Invermere

Bruce | Pub Worker, Vancouver

Glen | Server, Victoria

Teresa | Restaurant Worker, Vancouver


Sara | Hotel Cook, Victoria

Dawn    Private Caterer, Vancouver

Matthew    Cook, Salmon Arm

Anika | Cook, Kamloops

Teresa | Journalist, Vancouver

Darlana | Restaurant Worker, Coquitlam

Zaanneta | Bartender, Ladysmith

Sherry | Pub Worker, Langley

Charlie | Son, Bar Manager, Vancouver

Kevin | Banquet, Coquitlam


Frank | Cook, Vancouver

Brenda    Wife, Restaurant Manager, Vancouver

Nathalie | Banquet Supervisor, Vancouver

Charles | Restaurant Manager, Vancouver


Anne | Hotel Employee, Vancouver

Winnie | Foodservice Supplier, Vancouver

Rebecca | Daughter, Restaurant Workers, Penticton

Wendy | Pub Worker, Nanaimo


Michael | Wine Agent, Vancouver

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